Olivier Guerrero, the CEO of Franchise World Link and with Amir Hossein Roshanzamir, the director of Franchise World Link in Middle East, attended ISMEEU two days seminar at IESE Business School where Amir presented a paper titled “ Exploring Opportunities for Engagement and Connectivity” which was a pilot study on transforming country reputation and promoting authentic brands in the global market.

ISMEEU is an international network of Scholars at European Management and Economics Schools established in 2011 to provide a forum on learning, information sharing and knowledge exchange among its members including professors, researchers, postdoctoral fellows and doctoral students. ISMEEU brings together academics from all over the world, by organizing and promoting an annual seminar and extending and integrating knowledge that contributes to the improved teaching and research in management and economies sciences.

This year IESE Business School which is one of the top business schools in the world sponsored 6th ISMEEU seminar on 26th and 27th at its south campus in Barcelona. In the opening session on May 26th morning, Professor Ahmad Rahnema, Deputy Associated Dean for Faculty, Director of Financial Management Department and holder of the Fuel Freedom Chair for Energy and Social Development at IESE welcomed the participants and briefly introduced IESE Business School and addressed some important issues on academic Job Market. The session continued with panel discussion of other keynote speakers including Professor Hossein Dadfar from Department of Management and Engineering of Linköping University, Sweden. On 26th afternoon, the seminar had two parallel sessions namely Management and Economics where the papers were presented and discussed by participants. The second day was panel discussion dedicated to research standards and techniques to publish in Top-tier Journals.

Olivier shared his views during the session at IESE Business School, south campus “ I am delighted to meet so many intellectual people who are deeply involved in research and innovation. As I listened to some of that papers, I found that they can even have practical application in our projects. We are, therefore, looking into the possibilities of collaboration with these researchers in near future. “ Amir also stated “ we are now trying to blend academic rigor with practical experience in our projects and I presume that the possible collaboration with ISMEEU can expand the scope of our consulting services and open up a new windows of opportunity.

About Franchise World Link

Operating in more than 15 countries, Franchise World Link aims to help international franchisors and entrepreneurs to grow their business in fast developing countries of Africa and Asia, where there is a large potential for franchise business opportunities today. We liaise investors and entrepreneurs with franchisors worldwide and help investors to access the main brands. You may visit our website at www.franchiseworldlink.com for further information.

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