Franchise World Link Investor Networking Day in Paris, France

Franchise World Link Investor Networking Day in Paris, France 28th of May 2015 #FWLParis2015 May, 28th 2015: Investor Networking day If you are an investor and looking for an interesting […]
France hosts the first Franchise World Link convention . Press-release. 19/06/2015

Franchise World Link is an international franchise broker focusing on helping franchise businesses to expand abroad. The first convention for the Franchise World Link country managers was held on 27 […]
Franchise World Link is launched in Kenya

Franchise World Link – the innovative company aiming to connect players in the franchise industry worldwide and focusing on developing regions such as Africa, Asia, and North America – is […]
D. Borgel (Franchise World Link) : « La France a toujours eu un côté attractif »

Pourquoi un concept étranger va-t-il fonctionner en France et pas un autre ? Quels obstacles une enseigne doit-elle surmonter pour s’implanter ? David Borgel, country manager France chez Franchise World Link, livre […]